Usha Khan
Dress/Suit Size:40
Eye Colour:Brown
Hair Colour:Black
Languages:English, Hindi
ll (New Metro)
Making of the Mahatm (International Film)
The Fall Of Ganesh - Lead Role of Neela (Feature Film)
A Paw Paw Vir my Darling - Role of Mrs Naidoo (Feature Film)
Web of Persuasion (Franz Marx Prod) - role of Maya Singh (suppport lead)
Dynamite DiepKloof Dudes (SABC) - role of Mrs Govender
Molo Fish (Evertrode Prod) - role of Mum (of Indian Girl)
Egoli (Franz Marx Prod) - role of Mrs Naidoo
Generations (SABC) - role of Mrs Pillay
The Res (Franz Marx Prod) - role of Mrs Pillay
Documentry: Private Eye - role of lady at Police Station (BBC Production)
Teacher Training for CCV TV